Thursday May 25, 2023

#20 Masks - Uncovering Our Layers

In this episode of "Journey with Michael and Ryan," We delve into the topic of masks and the layers we often hide behind in our lives. Together, we explore the various masks we wear, whether to conform to societal expectations, protect ourselves, or project a certain image. With their trademark authenticity, Michael and Ryan share personal anecdotes and reflections on their own experiences with masks, revealing the struggles and growth that come with peeling back those layers.

Through candid conversations and insightful discussions, Michael and Ryan encourage listeners to examine the masks they wear and the impact they have on their authentic selves. They explore the importance of vulnerability, self-awareness, and acceptance in the journey of uncovering those layers. This episode serves as a powerful reminder that true connection and growth come from embracing our genuine selves, even when it means letting go of the masks we've grown accustomed to wearing. Tune in to this episode of "Journey with Michael and Ryan" to embark on a transformative exploration of self-discovery and shedding the masks that no longer serve us.



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