Thursday Oct 19, 2023

#41 Embracing Healing - Navigating the 5 Stages

We dive deep into the intricate, non-linear journey of healing. Michael and Ryan commence with the foundational stage: Acceptance/Awareness. Together, they discuss the importance of recognising our wounds, both visible and hidden, and the introspective challenge of becoming fully aware of their impact on our lives.

As we transition to the next phase, the duo delves into the controversial realm of Blame. What drives us to seek out culprits and reasons behind our pain? Michael and Ryan explore the psychology behind our need to attribute fault and question if it's possible to navigate this stage without becoming trapped in its spirals.

Moving into the heart of the healing process, we touch upon Forgiveness. This stage is often fraught with misconceptions and challenges. How do we genuinely forgive, and what does it mean to release resentment? Michael and Ryan dissect the complexities of letting go and the freedom it can usher into our lives.

The journey then takes a deep empathetic turn as Michael and Ryan reflect on Empathy. How does cultivating understanding and compassion for others (and for ourselves) accelerate the healing process? The duo discusses the transformative power of empathy and its pivotal role in our healing journey.

Concluding the episode, Michael and Ryan explore the often-overlooked stage of Sudden Release. What does it feel like to suddenly let go of the burdens we've carried for so long? They delve into the emotions, revelations, and newfound perspectives that emerge when one truly finds release.


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