Thursday Nov 02, 2023

#43 Warriors’ Wisdom: From Boxing Ring to MMA Cage

Step into the world of combat sports with Michael and Ryan in this adrenaline-packed episode! Dive deep into the art of boxing and MMA, and discover what it truly means to step into the ring or cage.

Ryan takes us on a journey through his boxing past, reflecting on his training and the exhilarating experience of 17 fights. From the rigorous discipline to the sweat and grit, he shares the invaluable lessons he's drawn from every punch, dodge, and knockout.

Meanwhile, Michael gears up for a new challenge on the horizon: his first-ever MMA fight. As the countdown to the bout begins, listen in on his preparations, fears, and aspirations. What's it like transitioning into the multifaceted realm of MMA, and what drives someone to step into the cage?

Beyond the punches and takedowns, combat sports offer lessons that resonate outside the confines of the training gym. Michael and Ryan pull apart these lessons, delving into the discipline, resilience, and personal growth that come with the territory. Discover how the world of combat can shape a person, instilling principles and values that last a lifetime.

Whether you're a fight enthusiast, an aspiring athlete, or someone seeking life lessons from unexpected places, this episode promises to be a knockout. Join the journey, and uncover the deeper essence of combat sports.

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